I've been writing online since 2014, mostly about web development and tech careers. In total, I've written 33 articles on this site. Use the search below to filter by title.
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Forms in Drupal & GraphQL
How to use Drupal GraphQL module to generate forms in React
Overcommunication in remote working
How overcommunicating can help you in remote working
The cost of flexibility: Navigating Drupal’s power
Balancing flexibility and focus: Navigating Drupal’s potential without sacrificing UX and maintainability
Using AI to assist in visual testing
Experiments with visual testing in the world of AI
On decisions that last
The best things, the best products and experiences last for a long time.
Removing analytics from my Blog
I am removing analytics from Blog, and here is why.
2023 in books
A recap of the books I have read throughout the year.
Decoupled multifrontends with Next.js and Drupal
How we leverage Next.js in combination with a Drupal backend to create multifrontend projects, allowing independent frontends managed by a single backend
Play, dont work
How can we make work fun and engaging, in ways that resemble play? Its possible, and probably easier than we think
Finding the perfect side project stack
Documenting as of july how I am starting side projects.
Are you a big ship or a small boat? Either way you have advantages on your side.
2020 year in review
A recap of a pandemic year that all in all, still had its moments.
Tools and tips on being productive and happy part 2 - Learning
How to keep being effective, avoid burnout and be happy at work and outside.
Tools and tips on being productive and happy part 1 - Productivity at work
How to keep being effective, avoid burnout and be happy at work and outside.
Drupal GraphQL with Contenta, Angular and Apollo Part 3 - Mutations
Using Apollo Angular to perform GraphQL mutations on Contenta.
Drupal GraphQL with Contenta, Angular and Apollo Part 2 - Queries
Using Apollo Angular to query entities from Contenta and GraphQL.
Drupal GraphQL with Contenta, Angular and Apollo Part 1 - Authentication
Getting started using Contenta with GraphQL powered by Apollo and Angular.
Styling in Angular part1 Sass
This is the first part of a series of posts that will approach different ways of styling []Angular applications.
Lazy loading with Angular2 and Webpack
Let’s analyze how NgModule() works, what it is and how it can help to enable lazy loading in Angular 2 applications today. In this case we will be using Webpack
Angularjs styleguide from Todd Motto
A style guide that covers mainly the topics of Architecture, file structure, components, one-way data flow and best practices
Create components at runtime with Angular
Dynamically rendering angular components using the runtime compiler.
Redux in angular with ngrx
Redux, Mobx, RxJs, ngRx. These are some of the most common ways to handle state management in today’s Javascript modern applications.
NgConf 2016 presents unlikely friends Drupal and angular2
Most of the people watching ngConf 2016 a couple of weeks ago would not expect to see a PHP CMS logo along side with Angular’s logo in the slides of the Keynote
Building Desktop apps with Angular2 and Electron
Build incredible desktop experiences with electron and angular
Angularjs Component method
Analyzing how to use components with angular 1.5+
Server side rendering in Angular2 with Angular Universal
Server rendering Angular applications using Universal
Using loadCSS to remove render blocking CSS
Improve performance by removing blocking scripts like CSS from rendering other parts of your website.
Rich sharing links in your angularJs headless drupal application
Learn how to enable rich sharing links in your AngularJs application.
Whats coming with Angular 2
Angular is one of the most if not the most popular javascript front end frameworks around, and its version 2.0 is comming out
Drupal 8 release candidate is officially out
After anouncement in Barcelona by @Dries Drupal 8 release candidate was released on October 7
Drupal headless the future or now
After anouncement in Barcelona by @Dries Drupal 8 release candidate was released on October 7
Developing themes on envato
For about two years now I have been developing themes on envato. I will share here my experience with it.
Changing to permalinks in wordpress keeping social proof
One of the things to worry when chaning URL's in any website is keeping social proof in past shared links.